Monday, January 2, 2012

Christmas in Greeley, CO

To those of you who have checked and found nothing here for a very long time, I apologize. The lack of content here is partially due to lack of content in my life as well being busy and lazy. So I will catch you up on the goings on.

We didn’t make it back to the East coast this winter for any holidays, but we did decide, last minute, to  venture halfway back across the continent to Greeley Colorado to stay a few weeks with Tess’ family. When we packed up the car and went to put Sagan in, he just looked at us like, “are we really doing this again?”  It was nice to spend the holidays with her family: mom, dad, sister, niece, 2 nephews, and several dogs and cats.

The following pictures show what went on in Greeley.

So several of these probably need explanation.... We dressed Lela up as an Ewok. I found a rad snowsuit in a Greeley thrift store, which I later wore to snowboard (see future post). The others are the of the niece (Cypher) and nephews (Bastion and Chance) and aunt Tessy. We kept the kids in that dog cage for the majority of the time. : )

This is a picture of elk from a day trip we made to Estes Park.

We also took the opportunity to visit several friends in Denver, which was really great. We went to watch the Sugar Bowl at a large bar in Denver where the Hokie Alumni gather to watch games. It was fun to hang out with 100’s of other Hokie fans and alumni and interesting to see the Denver Hokie scene in comparison to what exists out here in Seattle. 

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