Friday, May 27, 2011

We're Not In Kansas Anymore

Oh Kansas, what a state. I've driven through you a half dozen times and you're always the same . . . flat. We took off from the Casa de Both and had our most tiring day of driving yet. 10 hours driving across Kansas and into Colorado was more strenuous than we thought it would be. I think the trip is finally getting to us but we're staying positive. Although Kansas is flat and uneventful I love coming across the hundreds of wind turbines that stretch for a number of miles. They are so alien and yet elegant. We saw a blade on the back of a semi at a stop and I can't imagine how they drive it down the road they are insanely big! Now we're at my parents house in Greeley CO for a days rest. Maybe we'll hunt some bison to haul it back to the wagon, only 100lbs though, everything else will go to waste!

(the big skies of the plains are so awe-inspiring)

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